Meet Dawn Tasche: BCEN’s 2023 Distinguished CPEN Award Winner

On May 11, BCEN was proud to announce our 2023 Distinguished CPEN Award winner:


Dawn Tasche, BSN, RN, CPEN

Emergency Department RN

Aurora Health Care in Sheboygan County

Sheboygan, WI  

What does this award mean to you?

I am honored to have been nominated for this award by my manager. Being part of a community of professionals who all strive to achieve excellence in their field is so rewarding. This award demonstrates all of the hard work I and others put into learning, which in turn has empowered each of us to be the best we can be in our specialty.

How does earning and maintaining the CPEN credential make a difference in your practice and roles?

I am proud to hold a CPEN certification. My goal was to be able to provide outstanding care to our pediatric population. By obtaining my certification I was able to continue my education in pediatric care. It increased my knowledge base and has ensured I am providing the best care for pediatric patients and their families. It has also given me the ability to share what I have learned with other nurses in my department. Holding the CPEN encourages me to keep learning and participate in other initiatives to ensure we are providing high quality pediatric emergency care.

What difference has being a CPEN made for your patients and their families?

Becoming certified has really increased my confidence working with the pediatric population. I think it helps patients and their families recognize the confidence I have while giving care. It has helped me become more familiar with all of the developmental stages of life and how those developmental differences impact various aspects of care. Knowing how to handle many different situations in the pediatric population is instrumental in providing exceptional care.

How does the CPEN advance pediatric emergency nursing and emergency care for pediatric ED patients?  

The CPEN allows a nurse to increase their knowledge in pediatric care. It gives nurses the ability to better understand the pediatric population at every stage of their life. It provides a deep knowledge base of how to handle many situations such as disease processes, family dynamics, trauma, health and wellness, mental health and much more. Being able to anticipate the needs of pediatric patients and their family while in the emergency room is crucial in providing excellent care.

Here’s what Emergency Services Manager Craig Schicker, who nominated Dawn, had to say:

“Dawn has been our pediatric champion for the past 7 years. A resilient nurse who continuously promotes advanced pediatric care, Dawn demonstrates a passion and a steadfast drive to help other ED nurses develop advanced pediatric skills. As a skilled ED nurse, a preceptor and a mentor, she continues to review care, perform quality improvement activities, and provide growth and development opportunities for other nurses.

Dawn is leading our ED on a journey of ensuring we are providing highly skilled pediatric care. This year, because of Dawn’s leadership and collaboration, Aurora Health Care in Sheboygan County is being recognized for emergency pediatric care by the Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children’s Pediatric Emergency Department Recognition Programthe first one in Wisconsin. The program is dedicated to EDs statewide with high standards of pediatric emergency care, as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Policy Statement, ‘Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department.’

Dawn is an example of how one nurse with passion can improve outcomes for patients and develop the skills of other nurses. I am very proud to work with Dawn. Her passion for pediatric care is inspiring.”

Read more about Dawn and how she supports certification on the BCEN Awards page.

Read about all of BCEN’s 2023 Distinguished Award honorees here.