
2023 Distinguished Award Winners

BCEN Announces 2023 Distinguished Emergency, Trauma and Critical Care Transport Nurse Award Winners

5 Top Board Certified RNs Honored for Clinical Excellence, Professionalism and Advocacy


OAK BROOK, IL (May 11, 2023) – The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN), the benchmark for specialty certification across the emergency spectrum, today announced the 2023 winners of the annual, national BCEN Distinguished Awards which recognize one top board certified RN in the following specialties: emergency, pediatric emergency, trauma, flight and critical care ground transport.

“The 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award recipients embody the highest levels of clinical excellence in their specialties, and we applaud how they convey the importance of emergency, trauma and transport nursing specialty certification as they support members of their teams to be the best they can be,” said BCEN CEO Janie Schumaker, MBA, BSN, RN, CEN, CENP, CPHQ, FABC.

The 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award honorees are:

Distinguished CEN Award (adult/mixed emergency): Calee Muldrow, BSN, RN, CEN, Emergency Department RN with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas

Distinguished CPEN Award (pediatric emergency): Dawn Tasche, BSN, RN, CPEN, Emergency Department RN with Aurora Health Care in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin

Distinguished TCRN Award (trauma): Jordan Tyczka, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, Trauma Program Director at Inova Loudoun Hospital in Leesburg, Virginia

Distinguished CFRN Award (flight): Stacey Dock, MSN, RN, CFRN, Flight Nurse/QA Coordinator/ Preceptor at LifeFlight Eagle in Kansas City, Missouri

Distinguished CTRN Award (critical care ground transport): George Olschewski, BSN, RN, CFRN, CTRN, CEN, TCRN, a Critical Care Transport & Mobile Intensive Care Nurse with the Hackensack University Medical Center Specialty Care Transport Unit in Hackensack, New Jersey

Read more about each winner in the 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award Meet the Winner series.

Honorees will receive a commemorative Distinguished Award pin and one year of free access to the award-winning BCEN Learn professional development platform (valued at $2,500) to support continuing education in their specialty. They will also be honored at a celebration at their workplace this summer.

Over 50,000 RNs and advanced practice registered nurses in 26 countries hold one or more BCEN nursing specialty credential as follows: over 40,000 hold the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN), over 5,400 hold the Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN), over 7,300 hold the Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN), over 5,700 hold the Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN), and nearly 500 hold the Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN).

BCEN Distinguished Award honorees are selected based on their commitment to clinical excellence and professionalism through specialty certification as well as their leadership and innovation in supporting board certification for other nurses in their specialty.

National specialty certification independently validates a nurse’s advanced knowledge, clinical judgment and professionalism across a nursing specialty body of knowledge. Specialty certification is associated with optimal patient outcomes and greater nurse career success and satisfaction.

Nominations for the 2023 BCEN National Certification Champion Awards recognizing organizations committed to specialty nursing excellence will open June 1. Hospital-based and freestanding emergency departments, trauma centers, health systems, and flight and ground transport programs may apply.

About BCEN

Founded in 1980, the independent, not-for-profit Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN®) offers robust certification programs fostering empowered nurses across the emergency spectrum who contribute noticeably to patient care, safety and outcomes. Over 59,000 BCEN credentials are held by registered nurses (RNs) who specialize in emergency, flight, critical care ground transport, pediatric emergency and trauma nursing. BCEN offers the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®), Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN®), Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN®), Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN®) and Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN®) certification programs. BCEN supports advanced emergency nursing lifelong learning through the award-winning BCEN Learn continuing education platform and regional BCEN Learn Live conferences. Learn more at bcen.org. Follow BCEN on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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Note to Editors: Photographs of the winners and BCEN Distinguished Awards icons are available by request.

CONTACT: Hilde Marnul, Director of Marketing & Communications | hmarnul@bcen.org | 630-352-0811