Certifications Exam Statistics

The CEN®, CFRN®, CPEN®, CTRN®, and TCRN® certification programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC).

The Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certifications (ABSNC) is the only accrediting body specifically for specialty nursing certification.

ABSNC accreditation provides an impartial third-party validation that BCEN has met recognized national industry standards for the development, implementation and maintenance of our certification programs.

Accreditation is a comprehensive, rigorous and data-intensive process whereby a certification body demonstrates that a particular certification program adheres to ABSNC’s 18 accreditation standards including, but not limited to, organizational autonomy, basis in a body of research-based knowledge, nondiscrimination, test development, validity, reliability, test administration, test security, fairness of passing score, recertification, confidentiality, and appeals.

The following exam statistics are posted in accordance with the requirements of ABSNC. The figures are represented for the calendar year January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.

ProgramExams DeliveredExams Passed Exams FailedRecertified Certificants Total Certificants