BCEN COVID-19 Updates

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, BCEN will continue to keep you up-to-date on the latest information pertaining to certification and recertification. Your dedication to your patients and to acquiring and maintaining your specialty expertise is making all the difference and saving lives every day.

We know this is an extraordinarily challenging time for you and every courageous nurse serving on the front lines, and we are here to support you in every way we can.

Testing Updates

For the most current information on test-taking, please visit PSI’s COVID-19 candidate support and test center safety and COVID-19 FAQ pages.

Live Remote Proctoring

In response to the pandemic, BCEN expedited its plans to offer live remote proctoring (LRP). This service is now available for initial certification and recertification exams for all five BCEN certification programs.  Visit BCEN’s LRP page for complete details.

BCEN Discounts

BCEN offers substantial discounts on specialty-related certifications to professional members of ASTNA (CFRN and CTRN), ENA (CEN and CPEN), STN (TCRN) and ABA (CBRN). BCEN also offers active-duty military, reservist and veteran RNs discounts on all five BCEN certifications. (See the Exam Fees & Discount pages for each certification program for full details.) BCEN Vouchers, which may be used for initial exams, retest exams or recertification, offer a savings of up to 50%.

For Questions

BCEN’s Customer Experience Specialists are ready to answer any questions and concerns you have. Please contact us at or 1-877-302-BCEN (2236).


Initial/Recertification Exams

  • Are PSI testing centers open?

    Yes. Please visit PSI’s test center openings page for daily updates about test centers in your region.

  • I can no longer take the exam on the day I scheduled

    If you are within your 90-day testing window AND still have at least48 hours before the exam (based on the time zone of the testing center where you have an exam scheduled or the location of scheduled LRP exam), you will be able to reschedule with PSI with no reschedule/cancellation fees.

    Please call BCEN at 1-877-302-2236 if you will no longer be able to take your exam within your 90-day exam authorization window.

  • I can’t find a testing center

    Please visit PSI’s Test Center Openings page, or call BCEN at 1-877-302-2236 so that we may assist in looking for an available testing center available in your area.

  • My authorization expired

    Please call BCEN at 1-877-302-2236  so that we may evaluate your situation and determine how best to move forward. Expired authorizations will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • I’m COVID positive/have been exposed

    If you or someone you know has tested positive or is showing symptoms for COVID-19, please follow CDC guidelines by self-quarantining for at least 14 days. 

    PSI will also allow you to come in after a positive result if you have received two negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart.

    You must be symptom and fever-free for at least 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine to be admitted to a testing center after your 14-day quarantine or two negative results.

    Visit https://www.psionline.com/important-notice-update-concerning-covid-19-coronavirus/ for a complete breakdown of PSI’s COVID-19 policies.

    Please call BCEN at 1-877-302-2236 so that we can assist you in canceling/rescheduling your exam for at least 14 days later. Extensions may be processed, if necessary.

  • Do I have to wear a mask?

    PSI requires all candidates to bring and wear a mask while at any testing center. Any surgical or cloth face mask, including a homemade face mask, is acceptable as long as your nose and mouth are fully covered. Candidates without a face mask will be denied testing services. No refunds will be processed for candidates that are turned away due to failure to comply with the mask policy. 

  • My ID is expired/about to expire?

    PSI is currently allowing exceptions on expired government-issued IDs until further notice.

  • Will I still get my certificate once I pass?

    The shipment of certificates, wallet cards, and pins is still processed once a week. It can take 7-10 business days for your certificate to arrive in the mail. Candidates can utilize our online Credential Verification to provide more immediate proof of certification.

    Downloadable PDFs of certificates are also processed once a week and will be available in your BCEN account 7-10 days after certification.

Recertification by CE Attestation

  • My certification expired … what can I do?

    We understand your certification is important to you and we offer a 30-day grace period to reinstate your expired credential, which will allow a Recertification by CE Attestation application to be submitted. There is a $50 late fee that will need to be processed over the phone. 

    Please call BCEN at 877-302-2236 to process your late recertification.

  • Will I still get my certificate once I recertify?

    The shipment of certificates, wallet cards, and pins is still processed once a week. It can take 7-10 business days for your certificate to arrive in the mail. Candidates can utilize our online Credential Verification to provide more immediate proof of certification.

    Downloadable PDFs of certificates are also processed once a week and will be available in your BCEN account 7-10 days after recertification.

  • Can I recertify early?

    Recertification by CE Attestation applications may be submitted as soon as you have the 100 CEs needed to recertify. This can be done at any point during your 4-year certification period. 

    If you choose to recertify early, 4 years will be added to your current expiration date.

    • Please note: CEs towards your next certification period cannot be accrued until your original expiration date has passed. 

COVID-19 Resources 

We encourage you to visit the following resource pages compiled by various professional organizations:

For the latest information from U.S. and global health organizations, please visit these coronavirus resource pages:

Rest assured that we are here to support you in any way we can. Please contact us through the link below or call our office with any concerns at 1-877-302-BCEN (2236)

We stand behind you, and we are so proud of the incredible work you’re doing through this difficult time. Thank you for your hard work, your sacrifice, and your dedication. In times like these, that makes all the difference.