InstaCrew Information

Welcome to the BCEN InstaCrew! As part of your duties, we’re asking you to provide posts with photos and captions. Don’t wait to create your posts in the moment — start snapping shots and creating content now!

Here’s How it Works:

  • Snap the photo you feel best captures each of the content suggestions below.
  • Write a caption that sums up the image, and be sure to include all appropriate hashtags (suggestions below).
  • Images should be no larger than 5 MB, and best practices for captions is around 200 words.

To get you started, we’ve put together a ton of great ‘Gram ideas. Feel free to think outside the box with your captions and make them your own!

We ask that these posts remain separate from any posts involving ENA, STN, or ASTNA (unless you are informing of the membership discount), personal content, graphic content, and nursing practice advice.

Reminder: The character limit for Instagram is 2,200, not including hashtags. You can add up to 30 hashtags in the caption for each photo. We’d like for you to always include #BCENInstaCrew and #BCEN, but here are some other recommended hashtags to get you started.
















Post Prompts

  • Weeks 1-12

    Spread the Word

    Chances are you’ve got a lot of followers who are also nurses. Or nursing students. Or nursing supervisors. We want you to help us get the word out about our mission and work at BCEN®, and we ask that you encourage your followers to follow our page and share #BCENInstaCrew posts.

    Example: BCEN is the benchmark for board certification in emergency, transport, and trauma nursing. Stay up on everything they’re doing (and check out my posts as part of the #BCENInstaCrew) by following them @bcencertifications. Don’t forget to like and share!

    Your Why

    We know the immense value of board certification from BCEN®, but we also know there are a million reasons nurses pursue their certification. We want you to share yours … in picture form. Find something that symbolizes the reason you decided to seek certification, and tell us your why. Don’t forget to hashtag #BCENMyWhy and ask your followers to fill out a My Why on our website!

    Day in the Life

    Give our followers an inside look at what you do all day … from the mundane to the thrilling. Whether it’s a shot of your lunch in the hospital cafeteria, your view from the helicopter or a quiet moment between caring for patients, we want to see it all!

    Nurse Recognition Kit

    Did you know BCEN® offers a FREE recognition kit jam-packed with goodies for nurses who always go above and beyond — the ones certified by BCEN. This kit is easy to download and print, allowing you to customize the pieces you need. Take a screenshot of your favorite recognition piece and share it with the world! (Bonus points if you tag a nurse or two who deserve to be honored.)

    Start/End of your Shift

    Compare how you look/feel/think/act at the start vs. the end of your shift. Be a true social media maverick and get a side-by-side selfie shot of what you look like before and after a shift.


    In true BCEN® fashion, share a tip with your followers! This can be a #TestTakingTip like BCEN posts, a #LifeTip, or a #NurseTip – whatever piece of information you feel will help someone out. 

    The Hardest Job in the World

    We all know nurses are made of some pretty tough stuff. This is your chance to say thank you to all your fellow nurses for their tireless effort and overwhelming determination. Offer some inspirational words, or just offer your gratitude. Either way, these hard-working nurses (just like you!) deserve to be recognized. 

    Product Feature

    Time to dig into that box of goodies and find a product to show off! Whether you’re using your selfie stick or showing off your new t-shirt, we can’t wait to see the creative ways you find to show off your exclusive BCEN® InstaCrew merchandise.

    BCEN Learn

    BCEN® recently launched its LEARN platform. Check it out and tell your following about it. There, we house our Practice Exams, Webinars, podcasts and interactive courses — all offering a variety of continuing education offerings to make maintaining your certification as simple as possible.

    Maintaining Your Certification

    Did you know you can log your CE credits in your BCEN® Account as you earn them over your 4-year certification period? Then, when you’re ready to recertify, it’s as simple as completing the attestation application! What are your other recertification tips and tricks to make keeping up with your credential easy peasy?

    Stress Management/Burnout

    How do you manage stress and burnout? Being a nurse is one of the toughest jobs in the world … and with that challenge comes the responsibility of taking care of yourself. 

     If I Could’ve Done Something Differently

    If I could go through my journey to certification again, I would probably change …

  • Weeks 13-24

    About You

    You may have gained a bit of a following as the BCEN® community has begun to recognize you. Let everyone know who you are outside of work.

    Shoutout to my _______

    Give your favorite coworker, a special colleague who inspires you, or even your hospital/organization of employment a special shout out! This would be a great #Thankful post around Thanksgiving.

    Best Part of the Day

    It might be the moment you get home and exchange your scrubs for pajamas. Or it might be your first morning visit with a long-term patient. Whatever moment makes your day, we’d love for you to share it.


    What motivates you? In life and in your career, different things will drive you to wake up every morning and do it all over again. Share what those things are with your followers!

    Inspire a Future Certified Nurse

    Take a moment to share an inspirational message with a nurse who’s walking the same path you’ve taken to certification. Whether it’s a favorite quote or a message from the heart, share your best motivational moment for nurses who are still in the process of achieving their certification.

    Study Tips

    Share with your followers the top study tips that helped you achieve #CertifiedSuccess.

    Product Feature 2

    Show off your certification pins in a snappy selfie!

    Why Nursing

    What drew you to this profession? Tell us about your own journey that led you to nursing and, eventually, certification.

    BCEN & Friends

    Check out BCEN’s podcast, BCEN & Friends, and spread the word!jk, m

    What Makes it All Worth it

    What keeps you going on the roughest days? What makes everything worth it in the long run?

    The Value of Certification

    What value has certification brought to your career? Have you seen an increase in your confidence? Better patient reception? Monetary benefits from your employer? Share your value of certification with your followers!

    Employer Support/Supporting Your Peers

    Does your hospital support you in achieving/maintaining certification? If not, how do you support your fellow nurses on their journey to #CertifiedSuccess? BCEN® offers a multitude of resources to help make the case for certification support. Check out our Resources Page for all the tools you need in your toolkit, whether you’re advocating for your peers or persuading your employer to support certification!