
Trademark Policy

At BCEN, we have put substantial effort into building a brand that supports our role as the benchmark of board certified critical care nursing exams. We understand that you may wish to use BCEN logos or trademarks on your materials, and we appreciate you following our process to ensure proper usage.

Here are the steps you need to take to use our trademarked materials:

  1. Fill out and submit the form below. We’ll review your request and send you the logos and materials you need.
  2. Submit files of your proposed usage. We will either approve or deny the usage and direct you to next steps.
  3. Read more about our policy on trademark and logo usage here.
  4. Note: If you see our logos or trademarks being used inappropriately, please also use the form below to report this usage.

We appreciate your help and support in maintaining a strong BCEN brand.

BCEN® marks, logos, and certification program marks (collectively the “BCEN Marks”) are trademarks or registered trademarks of BCEN. By making use of any BCEN Marks, organizations agree to be bound by the terms of BCEN policy 8.1 – ‘Trademark and Logo Usage’.

BCEN must preapprove any proposed use of the BCEN Marks by any third party. BCEN reserves the right to audit any and all use of the BCEN Marks and to require correction for any inappropriate use. Any user of the BCEN Marks grants BCEN the permission to access, review, and audit any materials that make use of the BCEN Marks.

Trademark Usage Request Form For Organizations

  • Organization Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Product Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • For Publications

  • Max. file size: 6 MB.

Please attach artwork and include all the names that will appear on Product.

Approval of this request is for a one-time use only. Any additional requests require a new approval form. By submitting this form, it has been agreed that any and all uses of the BCEN logo/mark is in compliance with any and all BCEN requirements, guidelines and quality control standards, as established or amended by BCEN, for use in publications, advertising, websites and other mediums.