Quick Links: Voucher Pricing | BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers | Purchase Vouchers | Redeem Vouchers | FAQs
The research is clear. Certification leads to a more efficient ED, more confident and capable nurses and better patient outcomes.
The BCEN Voucher Program now offers a way to make certification attainable to as many nurses as possible, helping you strengthen your team while keeping costs down.
Get your nurses certified and keep them certified.
The BCEN Voucher Program offers significant discounts for organizations purchasing as few as 3 vouchers at a time. An authorized buyer can purchase vouchers and manage their program via online reports, all from their BCEN Account dashboard.
A BCEN Exam Voucher:
- is used for any of the BCEN certifications, whether it is an initial exam, recertification by CE attestation or exam, or a retest exam.
- is valid for 12 months.
- provides potential savings of over 50% per certification
Pricing Designed to Meet Your Organizational Goals
Number of Vouchers | Price Per Exam | Price Per Exam with Vouchers |
Tier 1: 3-10 test vouchers | $380 | $195 |
Tier 2: 11-20 test vouchers | $380 | $190 |
Tier 3: 21+ vouchers | $380 | $185 |
Discounts are based on the quantity per order.
Payment can be made by credit card or check. Vouchers will be received immediately via email if paying by credit card. If paying by a company check – there will be a delay until the check is received and processed by BCEN.
BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers
Prepare for a stress-free exam day with BCEN’s Test Assurance program. Offering confidence and peace of mind, BCEN Test Assurance is an optional program allowing initial exam takers a second attempt to pass their BCEN certification exam in the event of an unsuccessful first attempt. Increase your savings even more with BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers!
Number of Vouchers | Price Per Exam with Test Assurance | Price Per Exam with Test Assurance Voucher |
Tier 1: 3-10 test vouchers | $450 | $265 |
Tier 2: 11-20 test vouchers | $450 | $260 |
Tier 3: 21+ vouchers | $450 | $255 |
How to Get Started
Follow these steps to purchase and redeem your vouchers. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the contact form on this page or by calling +1-877-302-BCEN(2236)
Purchase Vouchers
For Organizations:
1. Log into your BCEN account (or create one if you’re a first-time user)
2. Hover over Voucher Administration and click on Voucher Management.
3. First time purchasers must Link Your Organization and attest that you are authorized to buy for your organization.Â
4. Once authorized, click Buy Vouchers next to your organization’s name.
5. It is your responsibility to track the individuals that are given vouchers. You will be able to track voucher use and if the exam was passed/failed within the reports.
For Personal Use:
1. Log into your BCEN account (or create one if you’re a first-time user)
2. Hover over Voucher Administration and click on Voucher Management.
3. Scroll down and click Purchase vouchers for personal use.
4. Click Buy Personal Vouchers.
Redeem Vouchers
1. Receive the unique voucher number and store in a safe place.
2. Submit a BCEN exam application and use the voucher instead of a form of payment.
3. You will have a zero dollar application.
4. Once your application is approved, you have 90 days to sit for the exam.
BCEN Voucher Program FAQs
Can BCEN talk to my employer for us about this program?
Yes! Email us at bcen@bcen.org or call at 877-302-2236 for more information.
Are there any additional fees for using the BCEN voucher program?
How long do the vouchers last?
Vouchers are good for 12 months and are nonrefundable. Each voucher can only be used once.
How can I pay for vouchers and when will I receive them?
Payment can be made by credit card or check. Vouchers will be received immediately via email if paying by credit card. If paying by a company check, there will be a delay until the check is received and processed by BCEN.
What is an authorized buyer?
An authorized buyer is a person who attests they have the authority to purchase on behalf of their employer. Once they attest and link themselves to their employer, they will be able to purchase vouchers.
Can vouchers be used for recertification?
BCEN Exam Vouchers can be applied to all applications, including recertification by exam or by CE attestation. BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers may only be used for initial certification.
Visit bcen.org/recertify/ for more information about recertification.
What exams can the voucher be used for?
BCEN vouchers can be used for any BCEN certification, whether it is for an initial exam, retest exam, or recertification by CE or exam.
BCEN Test Assurance vouchers may only be used for initial certification exams and are not applicable for recertification.
What if I can't find the voucher number?
If you are a buyer, the voucher numbers can always be found in the Employer Program section of your BCEN Account Dashboard.
If you are a candidate – please contact the person who gave you the voucher.
Do I need to sign a contract or commit to a number of nurses getting certified?
There are no contracts or commitments to be made. Simply order the number of vouchers you need. Vouchers are valid for 12 months and are non-refundable.
Where can I get a copy of the receipt?
2. Hover over My Account and click on Invoice History.
3. From there, select View Order for the invoice you are interested in.
4. Click Print Invoice to print or save your invoice as a PDF.
Who do I contact if I have a question about a voucher number?
For any questions about vouchers, please email us at bcen@bcen.org or call us at 877-302-2236 for more information.
BCEN Test Assurance Voucher FAQs
What’s the difference between a BCEN Voucher and a BCEN Test Assurance Voucher?
BCEN Vouchers may be redeemed for both initial certification and recertification by CE or exam, while BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers are only available for initial certification.
The BCEN Test Assurance program allows initial exam takers a second attempt to pass their BCEN certification exam in the event of an unsuccessful first attempt. BCEN Vouchers only allow one attempt.
Can I use my BCEN Test Assurance Voucher to recertify by exam?
BCEN Test Assurance Vouchers may only be redeemed for initial certification exams and are not available for recertification at this time.
I have a regular BCEN Voucher. Can I add Test Assurance to my exam?
Unfortunately, BCEN Test Assurance may only be included with Test Assurance Vouchers. BCEN Test Assurance may not be added to your BCEN Voucher exam.
Learn more about BCEN Test Assurance and read additional FAQs at bcen.org/test-assurance