BCEN Updates, FeaturED Staff Spotlight

BCEN Staff Spotlight: Meet Samra Rizvi

Candidate Experience Specialist

Years with BCEN: 4

Hobbies: Photography, Being in Nature, Going to the Movies

Favorite Cuisine: Thai and Italian

Travel Goals: Australia and Greece

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Learn how to sew.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Go on a world tour.

List 5 hashtags that describe your personality. #Blessed #KittyMom #Sisters #BigFamily #MakeupQueen

If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would that be? Cleopatra

Tell us about growing up and growing into a customer service career.

I am the oldest of 5, with 3 sisters and 1 brother. I spent my early childhood in Oman and came to America when I was 7. My first customer service job was in retail when I was 16. I have also worked in  nursing homes and at a university. 

What do you love most about being a candidate experience specialist?

I have the opportunity to solve problems every day and I love that. Out of all the calls we get —which range from several dozen on a slower to day to a few hundred a week, such as when we launch a new product or service—I am proud to say that we usually successfully resolve 98-100% within 24 hours.

What are the 3 questions you are most often asked? 

I speak with a lot of nurses who are recertifying, so I get a lot of questions about what kind of continuing education hours are accepted. We also get a lot of calls asking about how to use digital badges and how employers can verify certification.

With the rollout of our new and improved “My Account” dashboard, I have walked a lot of nurses through the new features so they can use them to their best advantage. One thing I tell everyone about is our new e-contact feature where they can customize how BCEN interacts with them. This allows nurses to let us know whether they want us to email them instead of call and what are the best hours to reach them.

What do you tell candidates who are preparing to take a BCEN exam?

Our exams aren’t easy, so preparation truly matters. But we have a lot of resources to support you. Be sure to check out our preparation checklist and reference list, review the content outline, and visit our Tackling Test Anxiety page.

Our newest resources are full-length practice exams for the CEN, CFRN, CPEN and TCRN. BCEN’s practice exams are written by expert practicing nurses who are BCEN-certified in that specialty. The exams are mobile friendly and can be used in practice mode or certification mode. Each question includes the rationale for the correct answer and a list of associated references.

What should every BCEN nurse know about recertification?

Two things. First, the recertification portal is available to log your CEs once you earn your credential. Also, an optional CE tracker is available for your convenience to track your CEs in one location on your dashboard.

Tell us a favorite customer success story.

Three years ago, I was working with an Army nurse stationed in Kandahar, Afghanistan who wanted to take his certification exam while he was deployed. After a lot of research, coordination and persistence, we were able to find an approved testing facility, he took the test, and he passed! I’m still inspired by his dedication and commitment.

I know it’s been a great day on the job when …

I have gotten back to all my candidates and helped them with their request. BCEN nurses are extremely hard working and selfless, and we do all we can to be there for them.

Anything else you want candidates and BCEN-certified nurses to know?

Sometimes candidates are reluctant to call when they have a question or an issue, or they assume there is no solution or recourse, such as if they realize their certification just expired. We encourage everyone to reach out and talk with us because we will always go above and beyond to help you, quickly and fairly.