How to Take the CPEN Exam

BCEN offers convenient Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) or in-person testing at test centers. Compare exam delivery options to find the exam type for you!

Which CPEN Exam Delivery Method is Best for You? 

Once BCEN has processed your exam application, you will receive an exam eligibility email containing important information on your 90-day test window and how to schedule an exam appointment with BCEN’s test delivery provider, PSI Exams.

Before you schedule your exam, understand the benefits and considerations of BCEN’s two exam delivery options: in-person exams at a local testing center, or Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) exams administered online. 

BENEFITS• Hardware, software, and internet are provided by PSI. • Exam-day issues are resolved by PSI proctors. • Secure testing environment is the responsibility of PSI. • ID verification is in person. • No time needed to travel to your testing appointment. • Test in the comfort of your home or office. • More appointment availability, including overnight hours, weekends, and holidays.
CONSIDERATIONS• Additional travel time to arrive at the testing center. • Weather, staffing, or other issues may impact your appointment. • Appointment availability is during regular business hours and may not include holidays and weekends. • Testing environment includes other test takers. • You are responsible for ensuring you have the proper and supported hardware, software and bandwidth. • Only personal computers can be used for the exam. Computers provided by an employer frequently do not pass compatibility checks on exam day. • Exam-day issues with your computer are reviewed with PSI IT team via remote access, are considered your responsibility, and may require you to complete the check-in process again. • Unresolved or incompatible hardware, software or internet issues will result in loss of testing session and additional fees. • Reflective coating on IDs can cause delays during check-in. • Rules and standards must be followed to avoid violations that could result in additional fees.
CANDIDATE RESPONSIBILITIES• Only bring permitted items into the test center. • Arrive at the test center on time. • Have a valid ID for check-in. • Agree to being metal-wanded. • Review BCEN's Candidate Handbook.Check your device compatibility before scheduling your exam. • Complete PSI’s Exam Tutorial at least 3 days prior to your exam. • Create a secure and appropriate testing environment. • Ensure hardware and software compatibility on the day of your exam. • Internet speed and stability during your entire exam. • Log into your exam on time. • Have a valid ID for check-in. • Review BCEN's Candidate Handbook.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Testing Center

If you believe a testing center is the best choice for you, once you are granted exam eligibility, select a location, exam date and time with PSI Exams, BCEN’s test delivery provider, and schedule your exam appointment within your 90-day testing window. Find test center locations and appointment availability with the PSI Exam Center Locator. The locator will only show test centers with availability for the month selected, so be sure to check additional months if needed. 

Live Remote Proctoring (LRP)

If Live Remote Proctoring seems like a good fit, you will first need to ensure you meet the requirements for LRP exams. Then, select your date and time to meet with a live remote proctor from your home, office, or other secure location that meets LRP requirements. Explore the technical requirements of LRP to see if this is the right choice for you! 

Schedule Exam

Questions about CPEN exam delivery? Contact a BCEN Candidate Experience Specialist here.