Specialty Spotlight: Critical Care Nursing

In this American Journal of Nursing specialty spotlight, Jason C. Vest, BSN, RN, CCRN, CTRN, EMT, describes the unique experiences and challenges of transporting critical care patients by ground and how nurses can prepare themselves to succeed in this highly specialized field by earning the CTRN credential and networking with other transport nurses through ASTNA. Based in Portland, Oregon, Jason is a critical care transport nurse for Metro West Ambulance and an adjunct nursing clinical instructor at Concordia University’s St. Paul College of Nursing.

Specialty Spotlight: Flight and Transport Nursing 

Written by AirLife 4 flight nurse and BCEN CFRN Exam Construction Review Committee member Nyssa Hattaway, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CFRN, this “Specialty Spotlight” column describes the role of flight and transport nurses, the unique demands and challenges they face, the importance of specialty certification, and how flight nurses can advance their careers and connect with colleagues.  

Specialty Spotlight: Burn Nursing

Written by one of the world’s leading burn nurses, this “Specialty Spotlight” column describes burn nursing roles and settings across the patient care and recovery continuum, the challenges burn nurses face, how to advance your career as a burn nurse, and ways to connect with burn nurse colleagues.

Specialty Certification for Burn Nursing: Value, Beliefs and Benefits

This review article traces the path taken from the American Nurses Association recognition of burn nursing as a specialty to the collaboration between BCEN and the American Burn Association on the initial development of the Certified Burn Registered Nurse (CBRN). Research literature describing the value of specialty certification is outlined, “providing an overview for the impact of burn nursing certification on professional development, nurse satisfaction and patient outcomes.” BCEN’s inaugural CBRN Exam Construction and Review Committee Chair, and one of the world’s leading burn nursing experts, Gretchen Carrougher, is among the article’s co-authors.

The 2022 Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) Pulse Survey

Responses and comments from nearly 1,000 flight nurses to the first-ever CFRN value of certification survey are featured in this Air Medical Journal original research article. Read which value of certification categories flight nurses most associate with the CFRN, and why nurses choose to earn the CFRN. Workplace and patient demographics, flight nursing experience, transport mode type, CAMTS accreditation, and comments on flight nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic are also highlighted.

The CFRN value of certification research is a companion to The 2022 Certified Transport Registered Nurse Pulse Survey, which focused on critical care ground transport nursing.

On the Cover: BCEN 2023 Distinguished CFRN Stacey Dock, with LifeFlight Eagle. More CFRN 30th anniversary images and history appear on the inside cover. View here.

(©Air Medical Journal Associates)


The 2022 Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN) Pulse Survey

Click article title for free access and download.

Based on a first-of-its-kind survey of RNs who hold BCEN’s CTRN ground transport nursing credential, this article features information about respondents’ ground transport experience and workplaces and highlights the value of certification categories they most associate with the CTRN. The article also summarizes CTRNs’ responses to questions about CAMTS accreditation, their ground transport nursing experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their reasons for earning the CTRN.

Image courtesy of Elsevier/Air Medical Journal

The Roles and Contributions of Certified Transport Registered Nurses in Critical Care Ground Transport Today

The roles and contributions of CTRN-certified nurses in the critical care ground transport environment are described in this feature article that explains key updates to the critical care ground transport nursing body of knowledge and CTRN exam content outline and includes a patient case report.

Air Medical Journal: The Journal of Transport Medicine March/April 2022 Volume 41 Number 2 The Official Journal of the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association, Air Medical Physician Association, Association of Air Medical Services, National EMS Pilots Association, and International Association of Flight and Critical Care Paramedics. Jacqueline C. Stocking, PhD, RN, NREMT-P & Eric R. Swanson, MD, FACEP Editors

Image courtesy of Elsevier/Air Medical Journal