What Emergency Nurses Told Us About Their Impact on Outcomes and the Biggest Challenges They Face

Article Abstract: As part of the 2019 Emergency/Trauma/Transport Nursing Workforce Survey, nurses practicing across the emergency spectrum described their biggest challenges and recounted examples of when they or an emergency, trauma or transport nurse colleague made an important impact on a human, medical or operational outcome. This article presents 10 top themes from the impact and challenges data, features verbatim open-ended responses, and highlights select quantitative data from this expansive, first ever research.

The Emergency, Trauma and Transport Nursing Workforce: Highlights of Benchmark 2019 Survey

This APEX Award-winning, open-access original research article highlights the major findings of the first-of-its-kind 2019 Emergency/Trauma/Transport Nursing Workforce Survey (ETTS). The custom-designed, 60-question survey was the centerpiece of a major research initiative to profile today’s emergency nursing workforce and identify specific resources necessary to ensure a sufficient, well-prepared and well-supported future workforce.

The expansive quantitative findings — including workforce profile and qualifications, occupational profile and work environment, nurse well-being, and career goals and nursing pipeline — are presented for the emergency nursing workforce as a whole, along with select data about the emergency, trauma and transport specialties.

The research was initiated by BCEN, developed in partnership with the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA), the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) and the Society of Trauma Nurses (STN), and facilitated by research project manager MedEvac Foundation International.

Today’s Owners, Tomorrow’s Leaders: Why Supporting Board Certification Matters

Article Abstract: New evidence from a major study on the value of emergency nursing specialty certification advances the case for supporting board certification for nurses across all practice areas. The purpose of this article is to discuss the implications of this research, including how nurse leaders can benefit from tapping into the value of certification, and why nurse leader support for board certification matters.

From Living Proof to Large-Scale Study: Why I’m Passionate About Board Certification for Nurses

Article Excerpt: Barely 2 weeks after earning my Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) credential I was working a particularly hectic night shift in a Kansas community hospital emergency department (ED) and in walked a first-time mom and dad with their sleeping, pink and otherwise healthy-looking 3-day-old daughter. Despite the unusually high patient volumes and acuity for a Thursday night, the look on the mother’s face, the sound of her voice, and what she was saying stopped me in my tracks.