BCEN Updates

Recertification Success – A Thing or Two about Audits

You have worked very hard to earn your specialty certification from BCEN, demonstrating commitment to your patients and your career! BCEN wants to make your recertification experience as easy as possible. Here are some quick facts and tips for recertification success:

  • In your BCEN account, we provide a very user-friendly tracking tool for your continuing education, academic hours and other professional activities that are acceptable for recertification.
  • We recommend you use the tracking tool and keep it up to date. Even though we have a super easy attestation process for certification, we do audit 10% of our recertifying nurses. If you are audited, you will be asked to enter your continuing education and other activities into the tracking tool found in your BCEN account. So, we recommend keeping it current, just in case. Plus, it helps keep you on track for recertification success!
  • When entering your continuing education hours please keep in mind that we do require a certificate of completion to be provided for each course. The certificate must include your name, the date of the course, the number of contact hours awarded and the continuing education provider for nursing level hours.

Following these simple tips can keep you on track and make your recertification process a breeze.