Meet Abigail Harvey: 2022 Distinguished CFRN Award Recipient

On April 25, BCEN was proud to announce our 2022 Distinguished CFRN Award winner:


Abigail Harvey, BSN, RN, CFRN, NREMT-P

Flight RN

Lutheran Health Network in Fort Wayne, IN

Flight Base: Portland, IN

What does this award mean to you?

Receiving the 2022 Distinguished CFRN Award is an honor. I am humbled to be part of a professional community of nurses who strive to challenge themselves and who are committed to excellence in flight nursing.

How does earning and maintaining the CFRN credential make a difference in your practice and roles?

Obtaining the certification was a challenging but rewarding experience. I am proud to hold this certification and encourage others to also seek a specialty certification unique to them. The initial certification challenged me to learn and deeply understand so many aspects of flight nursing. I am committed to maintaining my CFRN as it reflects my expertise and commitment to excellence in flight nursing.

What difference has being a CFRN made for your patients and their families?

I feel that as a flight nurse it is my duty to ensure that my patients have the very best version of me when I am at their side. I owe that to them and their families. Having and maintaining my certification has challenged me to seek and learn information to better understand critical care and emergency medicine. It’s necessary that I continue learning in order to stay current with patient care practices so I will always have the best knowledge and skills to take care of my patients.

How does the CFRN advance emergency nursing?

The CFRN challenges us to excel in knowledge and have a deeper understanding of standards of care that benefit patients during transport. Those of us who strive to earn and keep this specialty certification are paving the way to improve this career field by setting a standard whose outcome is awarded to the patient.

Here’s what Laura Griffith, who nominated Abigail, had to say:

“Abby is a true mentor and leader. She has held many roles and responsibilities and excels in all her roles. She is compassionate, dedicated and always treats her patients as if they were her own family members.

She helped expand our flight program from one aircraft to three. She empowers her coworkers and sets them up to succeed and has inspired her fellow coworkers to work towards obtaining this specialized certification.

Abby is the true definition of leading by example. Abby has always promoted best practices for our flight program and strives to ensure qualified professionalism among our team. She has excellent clinical skills, yet is always open for improvement and learning from others. Abby actively listens and communicates with her teammates which undeniably encourages and motivates them to succeed.”

Read more about Abigail and how she supports certification on the BCEN Awards page.

Read about all of BCEN’s 2022 Distinguished Award honorees here.

The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN) is proud to recognize Abigail Harvey, BSN, RN, CFRN, NREMS-P, as the BCEN 2022 Distinguished CFRN Award recipient. This annual, national award honors one top board certified flight nurse. Abigail is a Flight RN with Lutheran Health Network in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and resides in Monroe, Indiana.