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CFRN 30th Anniversary Gallery

CFRN 30th Anniversary Gallery

BCEN is honored to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the CFRN certification, CFRN-certified flight RNs past and present, and 30 years of flight nursing excellence!

Special thanks to the CFRNs who sent in some incredible photos to mark the occasion. Check out their photos and comments below, or share your own on social media using the hashtag #CFRN30th.


“I’m a brand new CFRN (as of 4/21/23) currently on my first deployment as an Army Enroute Critical Care Nurse! I have always wanted to be a flight nurse and am excited to finally be living my dream…. Happy 30th Anniversary CFRN!”

Photos courtesy of A. Katie Jones BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN


“Flight nursing is the best job anyone could ask for. We get to help patients truly in need and see beautiful sights while we’re doing it, but the best part is the people we get to work with!”

Photo courtesy of Joseph Mills (@jomills90)


“This is a picture of my former flight partner, Stuart Smith (far left), and myself (Jillian Swope, second from left) working with other crew members at PHI Med 4-5 in Susanville, California during a community education day to prevent drunk driving.

It’s a great example of how flight programs that use both certified flight nurses and certified flight paramedics can effectively and efficiently improve patient outcomes, particularly in rural communities.

Stu was a ardent proponent of dual-certified flight teams (FP-C and CFRN).  Although Stu died in 2018, his legacy remains on the National EMS Memorial for line-of-duty death honors.”

Photo by Trae Bane. Courtesy of Jillian Swope, MSN, FNP-C, APRN, CFRN, CEN, NRP


“We are honored to carry the CFRN certification. I was born in 1993 and my partner in 1994. We are honored to be a part of something that has stood for so long. We are thankful for the time, dedication, and sacrifice put in by those before us to make this profession what it is today. We strive to do the same.”

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Hickman, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, TCRN, NRP and Mariah Saylor, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, TCRN, NRP of ProMedica Air


“I proudly obtained by CFRN just over a year ago before I started my flight position.”

Photo courtesy of Mel Moskowite, RN, CFRN


“CFRN since 2021 and loving it!”

Photos courtesy of Lacie Thuren, RN, CFRN


“Here’s to 30 years! And many many more!”

Photo courtesy of SG Smith, MSc, BBA, BSN  CFRN, FP-C, C-NPT, Vector AeroMedical


“100th patient transport last year!”

Photo courtesy of Irina Kennedy, APRN, MSN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, TCRN, CCRN, PCCN, CVRN, NRP


“I would like to recognize all of the CFRNs on our flight teams at Air Med & Life Air Rescue:
Jessica Barrons, Toni Blanchard, Cliffton Bridges, Ana Buller, Jon Fowler, Jared Jenkins, Jamie Labranche, Candi Lacombe, Michelle Lance, Jennifer Medlin, Tyler Mitchell, Adam Oliver, Peyton Plaisance, Brooke Rozas, Josh Sticker, Hallie Wall, and Patrick Zachary.”

Photos courtesy of Toni Lavergne Blanchard, BSN-RN, CFRN, AS-NRP


Photos courtesy of Ricky Peterson, RN, CEN, CFRN


Photos courtesy of Stephanie Suzadail, MSN, MA, RN, PHRN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, TCRN

Left: Penn College of Technology | Right: Geisinger Life Flight


Photos courtesy of Amber O’Duane, RN, CCRN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, TCRN


Photo courtesy of Amanda Griffin Callihan, BSN, RN, CFRN, NREMT-P


Photos courtesy of Torben Dalstra, RN, CFRN (Peak Medevac International and Priority 1 Air Rescue)


Photo by JJ Bautista, BJJ photography. Courtesy of Katie Kraft, BSN, CEN, CFRN, RN, EMT-P


Photos courtesy of Kelli Schrader, MSN, BSN, CCRN, CEN, CFRN


Photo courtesy of Calee Camp


Photo courtesy of Banner L. Zimmerman, RN, MSN, CPEN, CEN, TCRN, CFRN, United States Air Force


Photo by Jonathan Kolbe, Cooper University Health Care. Courtesy of Stephen A. Teitelman


Left: 379th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron at Al Udeid Air Base. Photo credit: TSgt Devin Boyer (379th Public Affairs Office)

Right: Marcella Day (CFRN) and Flight Paramedic Todd Wollman, ARCH 1 Granite City

Photos courtesy of Marcella Day


Photos courtesy of Louis Bellace, PennSTAR, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania


Photos courtesy of Steven Jacobson and Brandon Kampf, CALSTAR Air Medical Services


Photos courtesy of Britney Ewers, BSN, RN, CFRN, TCRN


Photo courtesy of Deana Paugh, JeffSTAT flight program, Philadelphia, PA

JeffSTAT 4, Woodbine, NJ



Photos courtesy of Breanne Dalton


Thank you to all who submitted photos. We salute the dedication, compassion, courage and commitment to excellence of every CFRN past, present and future.

For more on the history of flight nursing and the CFRN, read our Walk Back Through CFRN History and Excellence in the Air: The CFRN.

To see what transport nursing pioneers and industry leaders had to say about the CFRNs 30th anniversary, read our 30th anniversary CFRN Tribute.