
BCEN Executive Director Named ABNS President-Elect

We are beaming with pride! BCEN is pleased and honored to announce that Executive Director Janie Schumaker, MBA, BSN, RN, CEN, CENP, CPHQ, FABC, was recently elected as president-elect of the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS).

With a mission to promote the value of specialty nursing certification, ABNS is focused on improving patient outcomes and consumer protection and serving as a forum for nursing credentialing organizations to connect and dialogue about the specific issues that certified nurses and those seeking certification face. ABNS member organizations represent almost 750,000 certified registered nurses worldwide.

“Janie Schumaker is one of those rare individuals who seems to have been born with a special gene to be an outstanding leader. Janie lives her core values to be the change you want to see and brings solutions ,” said BCEN Board Chairperson Lorie Ledford, MSN, RN, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CTRN, TCRN, CCRN. “The symbiotic relationship between ABNS and nursing certification organizations, including BCEN, will undoubtedly reap great rewards during Janie’s presidency.”

Since the ABNS elections took place earlier this spring, Janie has been preparing to be installed as ABNS president in July. Please join us in congratulating Janie as she steps into this important leadership role.