Nominate a Top Emergency, Trauma or Transport Nurse for a 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award

Nominate a Top Emergency, Trauma or Transport Nurse for a 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award

BCEN’s Annual Awards Recognize Board Certified RNs in Five Emergency Specialties


OAK BROOK, IL (February 1, 2023) – Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 BCEN Distinguished Awards, which will honor top board certified RNs for their commitment to excellence in five emergency nursing specialties: adult/mixed emergency, pediatric emergency, flight, critical care ground transport, and trauma.

The annual Distinguished Awards are sponsored by the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). Approximately 50,000 RNs worldwide hold a BCEN nursing specialty credential, with over 40,000 holding the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN).

BCEN’s Distinguished Awards are open to RNs across the United States and around the world who hold any of BCEN’s five nursing specialty credentials. Nominees can be bedside nurses and/or serving in nurse leader, educator, professional development, administrator, research or military roles. Nurses may self-nominate or be nominated by a colleague, a supervisor, or their organization.

“Recognizing the excellence and extraordinary commitment of board certified nurses is one of the most important things we do,” said BCEN CEO Janie Schumaker, MBA, BSN, RN, CEN, CENP, CPHQ, FABC. “We encourage nurses, leaders and employers to nominate a deserving emergency, trauma or transport nurse for one of BCEN’s Distinguished Awards.”

Nominations are being accepted through March 15, 2023, for the following awards:

  • 2023 Distinguished CEN Award (adult/mixed emergency)
  • 2023 Distinguished CPEN Award (pediatric emergency)
  • 2023 Distinguished CFRN Award (flight)
  • 2023 Distinguished CTRN Award (critical care ground transport)
  • 2023 Distinguished TCRN Award (trauma)

Winners will receive a one-year all-access pass to the award-winning BCEN Learn continuing education platform (valued at $2,500), including the entire library of high-interactivity advanced CE courses plus all games, practice exams and BCEN Learn Live on-demand conference proceedings.

Visit to submit your nominee by Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. CDT.

The 2023 BCEN Distinguished Award honorees will be selected on the basis of: (1) their commitment to specialty certified clinical excellence and professionalism in their own nursing practice or role, and (2) their leadership and innovation in supporting and advancing nursing specialty certification and specialty certified nursing care. Visit the BCEN awards page for complete details and eligibility criteria.

The nomination window for the 2023 BCEN National Certification Champion Award, which recognizes organizations for their commitment to nursing excellence across the emergency spectrum, opens June 1.


About BCEN

Founded in 1980, the independent, not-for-profit Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN®) offers robust certification programs fostering empowered nurses across the emergency spectrum who contribute noticeably to patient care, safety and outcomes. Nearly 59,000 BCEN board certifications are held by registered nurses (RNs) who specialize in emergency, flight, pediatric emergency, critical care ground transport, and trauma nursing. BCEN offers the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®), Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN®), Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN®), Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN®) and Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN®) certifications. Through the award-winning BCEN Learn continuing education platform and the BCEN Learn Live conferences, BCEN supports advanced emergency nursing lifelong learning. Learn more at Follow BCEN on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.


CONTACT: Hilde Marnul, Director of Marketing & Communications | | 630-352-0811

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